The Anahata Chakra Test (4th)

The Anahata chakra (4th chakra) is located in the heart region.  It is the first chakra that helps us maintain and create spiritual and emotional energies and feelings. 

When we think of unconditional love and everlasting, nonjudgmental relationships, we think of the heart.  As such, the heart chakra, when open and free, allows us to possess the qualities needed to be involved in loving, reciprocating relationships; we are able to love others and ourselves without conditions in give and take relationships. 

Additionally, when balanced, the fourth chakra has the task of sending energy to out lower third chakras; helping us develop the physical strength needed to be free and physically healthy.  And it possess the strength to send energy to our upper third chakras, helping us balance our 5th, 6th and 7th energy or chakra pathways.

Take the fourth chakra test below to determine if you are in balance.

  • If you had 7 or more yeses above, your heart chakra (4th chakra) is nearly shut down.  You need to follow the steps below daily to begin to open your Anahata Chakra so that you can begin to love yourself and others , interact compassionately with others and use the mighty energies it has to send energy to all of your chakras/energetic pathways.
  • If you had 5 or 6 yeses, your heart chakra is blocked.  In order to reach balance, you need to take the daily steps below to rekindle the power it possess to help you utilize the emotional and spiritual forces you need to participate in healthy, bonding relationships.
  • If you had 3 or 4 yeses, you need to act daily to balance your heart chakra so that you can utilize the energies it possess to maintain balance in your lower chakras and stimulate your upper chakras.  Additionally, balance will give you the self-esteem  needed to renew and sustain relationships; both spiritual and emotional.  
  • If you had 2 or 3 yeses, you have a fairly good understanding of the spiritual and emotional power you possess.  You do need to work daily to completely balance your heart chakra so that you can utilize all the power it possess to be emotionally and spiritually awake and balance all of your chakras.  

Balancing, unblocking and utilizing the great strength within your heart chakra.

The heart chakra, anahata chakra, may be the most important chakra up to this point as it plays a vital role ensuring the bottom three chakras are balanced and sending energy to the top three to help aide in their development.  The heart chakra plays a crucial role in helping transforms ideas in to reality.  The heart chakra, when balanced, allows you to be sensitive of others, comfortable with who you are, to feel and give unconditional love and give you the strength to protect yourself from internal and external negativity.  So, ensuring your heart chakra, anahata chakra, is balanced is critical.  Follow the exercises below daily to balance, unblock or cultivate the wonderful power within your heart chakra. 

The center of prana lies in the heart chakra.  Prana is the energy we garner with every breathe we take. Feel the power of taking a deep breath- you feel relaxed and a sense of relief.  The power – the prana – can help transform negative emotions created through blocked lower chakras into transformative, life changing emotions.  In order to tap into the great powers of your heart chakra, do the air meditation mentioned below daily. 

Air Meditation
  1. Sit on a comfortable floor or mat with your legs crossed and back straight.  Sit up against a wall or in a chair if you need to.  
  2. Next, position your hands in one of two ways:  1.  If you feel emotionally exhausted or down place your hands in the prana mudra position by joining the tips of your ring and little(pinkie) finger with your thumb (see pic to the right).    Place your hands on your knees facing upward. If you are unable to grasp the moment, place your hands in the jnana mudra position by joining the tips of your thumb and index finger (see pic) and let your wrists rest on your knees with your hand facing down.   
  3.  Next, take five to ten deep breaths and feel and watch as you inhale and exhale.  Feel your abdomen expanding as you breath in and contract when you breath out.  Feel the impact these deep breaths have on your chest.  
  4. Next, ask and tell yourself the following things:  
             Do I hang on to negative and unwanted emotions?  If so, what are they and what purpose do they serve?  I am free to let go of unwanted, harmful negative emotions.  I am free to be happy.  

Do I pay attention to old, negative relationships?  I’m free to release myself from these relationships as they do not benefit me.  I am free!!   I am free to forgive myself from any emotional disturbances!! 

      5.  Next , repeat the following positive affirmations:

             “ I forgive myself and release all feelings of shame, guilt and/or fear. “
“I am thankful for any past relationships that I’ve had and need to release.”
“ I have free to be happy and use the wonderful energy of joy to help propel me thoughts into actions.”
“ I am free to release all negativity and move forward with positive thoughts and feelings.”
“ I feel the power of my hear chakra, the prana within, as I breath in and out and will use the wonderful powerful to remain positive and reach my goals.”
“ I am happy with who I am. 
“ I will use my prana within my heart chakra to remain in control of my thoughts, feelings and behaviors.”

      6.  Repeat the affirmations above for fifteen to twenty minutes. 

Yoga Poses to do before or after you meditate or any time you want to work on balancing your heart chakra.  

Bow Pose (Dhanuranana)

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Hanuman Pose


1 comment:

  1. Nice and Very Informative Post it is… I Like this Post…. Thanks for Sharing this Post with us….

    Anahata Chakra
