The Throat Chakra Test
The Throat Chakra (5th Chakra) or (Vishuddha Chakra)
The Throat Chakra, when balanced, helps us turn our hopes, dreams and goals into reality. This is the first chakra that begins to connect us to the abundance, energies and wonders of the universe. The Throat Chakra is the voice for the bottom four chakras, and it allows us to freely and clearly communicate our emotions, feelings and thoughts. As such, it holds a tremendous amount of energies that we need to be able to access to live a full, spiritual life.
Take the Throat Chakra Test below to discover how much access you have to its energies. Do you need to balance your Throat Chakra. Find out below.
- If you have 7 or more yeses above, your throat chakra is probably out of balance (possibly completely blocked) and you need to take the steps listed below to help you balance your throat chakra. With 7 or more yeses, you probably are not able to clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings and listen to others as they attempt to do the same. Additionally, you probably struggle to bring your abstract goals into reality.
- If you answered 5 or 6 yeses above, your throat chakra is probably blocking the four chakras beneath it from fully expressing themselves as the chakras move from the root, the 1st chakra, all the way to the top; passing through the throat chakra. In order to balance your throat chakra and realize the great power it has to help you clearly communicate and tap into the unlimited power of the universe, you need to apply the steps listed below on a daily basis.
- If you had 3 or 4 yeses above, you have a slight understanding of the power of your throat chakra and have at times used its power to clearly communicate and reach your goals. But to maximize the energy within your 5th chakra, utilize the steps listed below on a daily basis.
- If you answered 1 or 2 yeses above, your throat chakra is pretty well balanced. More than likely your bottom four chakras are able to actualize, you are able to tap in to the energies of the spiritual world and your able to maximize the power of your throat chakra by clearly communicating your wants, emotion and beliefs. In order to maintain and maximize your current state, follow the steps listed below.
Great Post and Nice Article….I like it.Thanks for Sharing very informative post.
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