Monday, March 20, 2017

How Chakra Balancing Can Help to Heal

How Chakra Balancing Can Help to Heal

Balancing your chakras is good for your mind and soul: taking the time to meditate and ensure that your chakras are well balanced can leave you feeling calmer, happier, and more relaxed. If you are quick to anger, feeling sluggish, or suffering with the stress and strains of everyday life then balancing your chakras is a sure fire way to restore your mental health and leave you energised and ready to face the challenges ahead. But did you know balancing your chakras can also help to balance many of the physical symptoms of disease? Because your chakras represent physical parts of your body, you can harness there power to heal any physical pain that you are feeling, and to reduce the symptoms or even heal any health conditions that you are experiencing. Also known as energy medicine, harnessing your chakras for the good of your physical health could help to heal your long term health complaints.

The Importance of Balance

When it comes to chakra healing (both for physical and emotional pain) balance is key: you may think if you are suffering from tonsillitis then you should focus extra energy on your throat chakra, but it simply doesn’t work like that. To ensure your body is functioning optimally, you need all of your chakras to be balanced, functioning well and open to allow the easy flow of energy both in and out of your body. Regularly ensuring that your chakras are completely in balance is the very best way to ensure that you remain at the highest possible levels of physical health. So if you are suffering from a health complaint you need to treat your body as a whole being: balance and open all of your chakras, even the ones that you don’t think are being affected by your health complaint, in order to see health improvements, feel the changes in your body, and see long term results.

Seek Professional Support

If you are experiencing physical health symptoms and feel that balancing your chakras could help to alleviate the symptoms then  it is a good idea to seek out the support of a professional chakra healer, rather than attempt to restore balance yourself: they will be able to give you a holistic assessment and begin your healing, whilst also advising you of the best course of action to continue at home, ensuring that you are on the right track back to health.

If you have any long term pre-existing medical conditions that you are currently under the care of a physician for then it is worth consulting with your physician to ensure that the essential oils or other techniques that you use to restore your balance will not interfere with the conventional medical treatment you are receiving. Whilst consulting with an alternative therapist to discuss chakra balance is unlikely to be covered by your medical insurance, it is still important that everyone involved in treating your medical condition is aware of any new techniques you are trying, so that they all have the most up to date treatment about your care.

The Benefits of Energy Medicine

The fact is that using your energy as a medicine has many advantages beyond conventional medicine. Energy medicine can be used to heal almost anything, and can achieve fast results. What’s more, because our energies and chakras are so sensitive, you can often sense that your energies are out of balance and detect approaching illness long before a condition has been diagnosed. Traditional medicine is body based, meaning that treatment cannot begin until the physical symptoms appear, whilst healing through energy balance can begin in advance of the appearance of symptoms, meaning conditions can often be removed from the body before you are even aware they have developed. Finally, it is important to note that balancing your chakras to heal physical health complaints is completely painless and that there are no negative side effects of chakra healing: that means that even if you are sceptical about the merits of chakra balancing and energy healing, and aren’t sure if it will work for your unique set of circumstances, you have absolutely nothing to lose by choosing to give it a try.           

Post Written by Anne Farns

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Using Essential Oils For Balancing Chakras

Using Essential Oils For Balancing Chakras

Because the chakras are so intrinsically woven into the endocrine system, essential oils can be used to affect (both negatively and positively) the hormonal balance of the bodies. One of the most popular ways of using essential oils and flower essences is to balance the root and solar plexus chakras . The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the most physical of the chakras, meaning that it can be affected by physical activity such as yoga. The solar plexus chakra is located just above your belly button in your abdomen. This is the chakra that is most responsible for your self-esteem and your confidence. It is often called the chakra of your core self.

Whilst there are many different ways of bringing balance to both of these chakras, the use of essential oils and plant oils is thought to be a wonderfully gentle, non-intrusive and holistic way of awakening and balancing them. Here are some hints and tips for using essential oils and flower essences to balance the root and solar plexus chakras:

Balancing Your Root Chakra

There are some strong warning signs that your root chakra needs balancing. If you find that you are quick to anger, that you are controlling those around you, or that your confidence and drive have both disappeared then it is time to seek balance for your root. When choosing an essential oil to balance this chakra it is important that you choose one whose fragrance you find both relaxing and appealing; if you dislike the scent of the fragrance you choose then this will have a more negative affect on your balance than not using essential oils at all. The oils that are shown to balance your root chakra include:  corn, clematis, rosemary, ylang-ylang, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, patchouli and sandalwood. Choose your preferred oil from this range in order to have the most effect on your root chakra: don’t forget to use a carrier oil, such as almond oil, to dilute the essential oil that you choose, as if its fragrance is too strong and powerful it can actually have negative effects on your health, leaving you with a headache.

With so many different oils to choose from, it can be hard to know which one will work best for you. Whilst many medical professionals will not balance chakras, and many medical insurance policies will not provide coverage for this, there are some enlightened physicians that will listen and offer advice on how you can balance your chakras, particularly if you feel it is affecting your physical health. Consult your physician if you feel you need medical support, and if they can’t help they may be able to refer you to a more spiritual doctor who can.

Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra

You will know that your solar plexus chakra needs balancing when you feel drained of power and energy, often leaving you suffering from low self-esteem. The essential oils and flower essences that have been successfully used to balance the solar plexus chakra are yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, lemon juniper, vetivert, petigrain and marjoram, giving you a wide range of fragrances to explore and choose from.

Once you have chosen the fragrance that is the most sensually appealing to you, you need to decide how you will use it. One of the quickest and easiest ways to use your balancing flower oil is to mix it with a carrier oil and then rub a little on your skin: rub the oil onto the palms of your hands and then wave them over your aura, helping to disperse any negative energy that your aura has collected during the course of the day. If you prefer not to use essential oils directly on your skin (particularly relevant if you suffer from eczema or another sensitive skin disorder) then you could also benefit from introducing the essential oils to your environment. You can do this by using either an oil diffuser or a reed diffuser, and this method will have the benefit of ensuring your surroundings are completely enveloped by the scent that you have chosen. It will also minimise your risk of suffering from allergies and other rare side effects carried by the use of essential oils.

Post Written by Anne Farns

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Balancing The First Three Chakras

Balancing The First Three Chakras

Chakras are, as you probably know, centres of energy located at various points throughout your body. The word ‘chakra’ literally translates as ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’. Your chakras are, according to ayurvedic thought, the spinning centres where Prana - your life force energy - meets and interacts with the matter of your body. Your chakras are essential for maintaining the healthy, vital flow of Prana throughout your being - ensuring good physical, mental, and spiritual health. However, chakras are a two way street. In order to look after you properly, your chakras need you to look after them. Poor lifestyle choices, problems, and other issues may ‘block’ or misalign your chakras, causing the distribution of Prana to become unbalanced. This in turn leads to health and emotional issues for you. 

The first three chakras are often neglected, as many who work with chakras are seeking spiritual enlightenment, and thus tend to concentrate on the higher chakras - those concerned with more cerebral and spiritual matters. However, the first three chakras - which are concerned with more ‘basic’ matters - are incredibly important. If your first three chakras are unbalanced, the upwards flow of Prana is effectively ‘cut off’ at the base, and you will have no foundation upon which to build the spiritual life you wish for. Here, therefore, is a quick guide to working with the first three chakras:

Root Chakra

Your root chakra is associated with your basic survival instincts, and the fundamentals of existence. It is located at the base of your tailbone and, if working correctly, should keep you grounded, and imbue you with a sense of security. As the ‘first’ chakra, a balanced root chakra also enables the chakras above it to be opened, and the flow of Prana to begin its upwards journey through your being. If your root chakra is overactive, you may find yourself placing an overemphasis on the materials of survival. Food addictions, obesity, and bowel issues may result from an overactive root chakra. An under active root chakra can cause issues with your ‘fight or flight’ mechanisms, resulting in stress, anxiety, paranoia and so forth. It is very important to balance the root chakra in order to provide a good foundation for building physical, spiritual, and mental health.

Opening And Balancing Your Root Chakra

Your root chakra, as a very earthly chakra, responds well to your sense of smell. Concentrating on the scents you experience in your everyday life will stimulate your root chakra and help to bring it into alignment. Your root chakra energies will also respond to meditation on the colour red, or surrounding yourself with red light and decor. Chakras respond well to vibrational energies such as those which are released with chants. To open your root chakra, a chant of ‘Lam’ will prove very effective. On a physical level, sitting with your knees pulled into your chest, or putting your head to your knees will help to open and balance your root chakra. On the other hand, should your root chakra be overactive, focusing on the ‘higher’ and less basic aspects of existence can help. A short fast, a good detox (should you have been overindulging in food or alcohol), or an engagement with spiritual or philosophical topics may calm the chakra and help redistribute the energy it is hoarding.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located in your pelvis - just above your pubic bone, and just below your navel. It is associated with sensual experience. A lot of emotion is generated by our sacral chakra, particularly emotion associated with lust and human intimacy. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the inspiration which many artists have drawn from sensual and sensory sources, the sacral chakra is strongly associated with creativity. If you seek a greater creative life, it is the sacral rather than the ‘higher’ chakras to which you should be paying heed. Sadly, as society conditions many of us to hide our feelings and to be wary of strong emotion, many people have an underactive or ‘blocked’ sacral chakra. This can result in sexual dysfunction, mood disorders, and general feelings of ‘disconnection’. The modern concept of the mind-body disconnect has wrought havoc upon the sacral chakra, as the sacral chakra is so strongly associated with the interplay between physical, sensory experiences and emotional response. Opening the sacral chakra will allow you to be open, passionate, able to experience pure joy, and translate that joy into creative works. The sacral chakra, in short, allows us to feel happy and creatively fulfilled.

Opening And Balancing Your Sacral Chakra

A wonderful way to open the sacral chakra is to play. Do things you enjoy, creatively, without over analyzing or worrying about how skilled your efforts are. Simply play, and let yourself experience joy without criticism. Play is a fantastic way to stimulate your creative energies and thus get your sacral chakra spinning as it should. The sacral chakra also responds well to the colour orange, and the chant ‘vam’. Physically, the yogic butterfly pose will help to open and align your sacral chakra. This is not a particularly difficult pose, and improves with practice! One simple places the soles of the feet together, lets the knees drop outwards, and brings the heels in towards the pelvis. To enhance the position, one can then slowly lean forward, lengthening the torso. Treating your body with respect, honouring it, and maintaining healthy, fulfilling sexual relationships will also keep your sacral chakra in good condition.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, located between your navel and your breastbone, is where you hold the core of your identity. It’s where willpower and ego reside. An overactive solar plexus chakra, therefore, can result in egotism, arrogance, and the aggression which naturally comes from such things. A properly balanced solar plexus chakra, however, allows for a well controlled use of your personal power, a strong, realistic sense of identity, and sustained motivation to achieve one’s personal goals. The chakra is also associated with digestion and metabolism, so metabolic and digestive problems could be solved by cleansing and balancing the solar plexus chakra. Should your solar plexus chakra be underactive or unbalanced, you may well find yourself lacking motivation, self confidence, and ‘drive’.

Opening And Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Your solar plexus chakra responds well to the colour yellow, and the chant ‘Ram’. Setting yourself clearly defined goals, and working on your personal focus will also help the solar plexus chakra to unblock and align itself correctly. Building confidence and self-esteem will also help your solar plexus chakra to work as it should. If you have an overactive solar plexus chakra, try eating or drinking soothing, calming foods. This may relax you, release you from the ‘drive’ that the solar plexus chakra provides, and perhaps help with the all-important sense of perspective that an overactive solar plexus chakra can obliterate.

Post Written by Anne Farns

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chakra Overview

Below is  a brief overview of you chakra system and the power/energy it possess to allow you to reach all of your spiritual, personal and professional goals and reach the pinnacle of wisdom, awareness and wholeness.  Once you read the summary below, proceed to the chakra tests to determine your specific chakra needs.  Each chakra test will help you determine your specific chakra needs. 

The root chakra is the cornerstone/footing of the chakra system.  Just like the roots of  a tree, the Root chakra provides the stability and energies (food) needed to nourish and balance the other chakras.  Opening your Root chakra will allow you the stability and security needed to openly and honestly express your true thoughts and feelings.  The natural expression of feelings towards and with others is  a clear sign your Sacral chakra is open and balanced.  Once you are able to express your true thoughts and feelings, you will have the power and energy needed to open your Naval chakra.  Your Naval chakra allows you to be aware of and act on the feelings that dictate your emotional, spiritual, developmental and physical wants; goals and aspirations.  Being able to successfully interact with others, will all you to fulfill your wants and give you the confidence to form loving, unconditional relationships; which is the focus of the Heart chakra.  Using the energies within your Heart chakra to develop loving, bonding relationships will give to the power to successfully deal with the powers of the Navel chakra and express yourself through the third Eye chakra. Once your Third eye chakra is open, you will be one step closer to reaching the ultimate spiritual and physical fulfillment by opening the Crown chakra and unleashing the unlimited spiritual awakening, wisdom, awareness that lies within you.  You will be able to reach the highest level of spiritual, physical, conscious and subconscious enlightenment.

Please take the time to examine your present chakra levels by taking the chakra tests contained in the tabs above. Each chakra test is chakra specific and will tell you the level of balance you have or need at each chakra level.  Once you've completed each chakra test, use the evaluation rubric at the bottom to determine what action steps to take to maintain or reach balance.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Brow/Third Eye Chakra Test: Is it balanced?

Brow Chakra Test

Are you emotionally intelligent? Are you able to accurately and clearly perceive your reality? Are you able to tap into the power of you conscious, subconscious and spiritual worlds to reach your goals and become one step closer to reaching ultimate bliss? Do you possess the ability to understand others? Do you lack the mental drive and dominance to be wildly successful? Do you dwell on the future or past?

Go here, take the brow chakra test to discover if it's balanced or blocked.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Fourth Chakra - Anahata Chakra - Green Chakra

Are you compassionate kind and gentle with others and yourself?  Are you involved in unconditional, reciprocating relationships?  Do you love yourself just as you are?  Do you let others opinions influence how you feel about yourself?  Are you emotionally and spiritually connected and stable?  Do you possess any physical ailments?   Are you able to live in the moment, breath deeply and accept whatever comes your way? 

The answers to the above mentioned questions actually could provide insight in to whether your 4th chakra is in balance or out of whack.    The fourth chakra, green chakra (Anahata chakra), is vitally important to or spiritual and emotional survival.  Click here to take the Anahata Chakra Test to determine if your fourth chakra is balanced. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Guided Breathing to Balance Chakras

If after taking the Root, Solar-Plexus and Sacral Chakra Test we provide, you discover one or all three are out of balance; the most positive and beneficial balancing technique you can begin to learn and incorporate is guided mindful breathing exercise - and eventually meditation and yoga.  First you need to get used to sitting in a quiet place.  It will be uncomfortable for many at first, but the foundation for learning how to balance your chakras, is learning to be still.  The guided breathing exercise below will help you learn to be still.  Once you learn to be still and accepting of sitting in a quiet place, you will move on to more chakra specific meditative and yoga  techniques provided under each chakra test tab.  But in the mean time, use the audio below to begin to unleash the power of breathing and meditating.  If it's uncomfortable for you to sit, feel free to lay down.  Be sure to focus on the audio and don't let your negative thoughts or uncomfortable feelings stop you from learning to live in the moment.  Finally, this is a practice that you will need to begin to incorporate into your daily routine.  Discover the best time for you and stick to it.  (Just click the triangle below and the exercise will begin within 20 seconds.)